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Tehillim Olumi was founded in 2015 and Baruch Hashem in the past years has grown to an enormous Tehillim group of over 71,000 followers in respect to saying daily Tehillim, & therefore complete tehillim is said hundreds of times every day. Our purpose, is to unify Klall Yisrael איש אחד בלב אחד  to pray together in unity for every ones needs, such as, Heal the Sick, praying for one who needs Shiduchim, Children, Parnassah, Shidduch, Refuah Shelamah, Sholem Bayes, Success in Business, Thanks to Hashem, In Memory Of, or any other needy prayer for.


Today, כ"ג אלול תשע"ט יומי דהילולא הגהצוק"ל החפץ חיים זי"ע we premiere a New phase of Tehillim Olumi, by bringing together every ones needs on a Kvitel Prayer and will EY”H be sent to our Holy Places & Kevry Tzadikim all over the world, Israel---Europe---Poland---Hungary---Ukraine---Russia & USA.

Our Kvitel Prayer with all the names of people that need extra special prayers are placed over their graves, & prayed for, so our needs can be rewarded by Hashem in respond to the Tzadikims request, which they are known for, פועל ישועות -- ניסים ונפלאות in merit of their Zchus.


It is also called זורע צדקות -- מצמיח ישיעות 

With charity one can save himself from all bad decrees.

Kindly join us in this holy campaign, which benefits all of Klall Yisrael. G-D willing we all will be granted a Healthy & Fruitful Life, with Naches and Simchas until the coming of Meshiach.

Rabbi Meyer Chaim Greenbaum

Founder & Director

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